Classic Shaving Tips For Busy Gentlemen

Remember seeing your grandpa shave so smooth and precise?the art of classic shaving

You can learn that method today. The art of classic shaving has lost its unique value with modern era products that make shaving easier, but often can be misguided and unsubstantial.

Even the shortest beard needs proper care, while a clear shaven face demands dedication and precision.

Here are some of my tips on how to engage in a do- it- yourself classic shaving performance.

Full skin preparation- Preshave

Your skin needs to be adjusted to the temperature, as well as other factors that are in the interest of a good shave. The finest moment for this is right after your shower, when your skin is moisturized and pores are opened. Also, the beard is softer, easy to shave.

I highly recommend  products to soften up your skin and make the process easier. A good quality pre-shave oil will create a protective barrier between the skin and the blade for a closer and comfortable shave.

Basic lathering essentials and process

  • A good quality shaving brush
  • Apply lather up cream/foam on wet brush
  • After this, place the shaving cream in the center of the brush.
  • Start the art by brushing it carefully on your face in circular motion

The Shave

Choose a razor that is properly conditioned and balanced on both sides. You don’t want to end up with unequal beard or unshaven areas on your face when you are done, BUT first examine your face to determine the direction of your facial hair growth.

Pour some water on the razor and start shaving. The direction of your hair growth is very important, so pay attention while shaving it. The best shaving direction is from top to bottom for a safer shave and proper hair growth. Still, you can shave in the opposite direction for a closer cut IF your beard is extra thick, re-lathering and carefully shaving against the grain.

Note: Shaving against the grain can cause irritation and ingrown hairs- proceed with caution using gentle strokes from the neck to the cheeks area-  or have a barber do it for you

Glide the razor on your face without applying much pressure. Too much pressure will irritate the skin. If necessary, re-lather and take another pass to cover the unshaven area.

After shave moisturizing

Remember to moisturize after every shave. After the shave your pores are still open. Proper care is necessary if you don’t want them filled with bacteria that may cause acne or blemishes afterwards.

I recommend a non-alcoholic after shave product. It should be gently padded on the freshly shaven skin.

All of the steps are essential for a basic classic shaving experience.

If you need a personal, complete men spa shaving experience at your hotel, office or location, contact me here.

See you on my chair!

David L






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